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Government Service Center Analysis

Graduate Researcher
DCAMM & Wentworth Institute of Technology


Analyzie and report the current architectural and urban conditions and perform historical research of the Paul Rudolph designed Government Service Center for the design initiative for the renovation and rehabilition of the complex.



As a young designer, inspired by the works of Paul Rudolph, this project took on a personal drive. Together with Teresa Le and Ciro Podany, we took a both a superficial and introspective approach to our research on how the complex came to be and how it currently exists in present day. This project provides the base layer of a multi-phase project to rehabilitate and reuse the complex. What was once spread across different pages of decades old architectural journals or dense technical reports have to been summarized for future designers to get an easy understanding of the intentions and reality of the Government Service Center. In addition to in-depth historical research and base plan production, we also conducted interviews with people who have worked with the building and conducted a architectural analysis of the complex.

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